• Chamberlain, S. (2022). Lessons Learned from Reevaluating Big Deals with Unsub. Serials Review. web pdf
  • Guzman, L. M., Chamberlain, S. A., & Elle, E. (2021). Network robustness and structure depend on the phenological characteristics of plants and pollinators. Ecology and Evolution. web pdf
  • Mitchell, N., Chamberlain, S. A., & Whitney, K. D. (2021). Proximity to crop relatives determines some patterns of natural selection in a wild sunflower. Evolutionary Applications. web pdf
  • Norman, K. E. A., Chamberlain, S., & Boettiger, C. (2020). taxadb: A high‐performance local taxonomic database interface. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 11(9), 1153–1159. web pdf
  • Guzman, L. M., Chamberlain, S. A., & Elle, E. (2020). Phenology and Robustness in plant-pollinator networks. BioRxiv Preprint. web pdf
  • Conde, D. A., Staerk, J., Colchero, F., da Silva, R., Schöley, J., Baden, H. M., … Vaupel, J. W. (2019). Data gaps and opportunities for comparative and conservation biology. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(19), 9658–9664. web pdf
  • Ram, K., Boettiger, C., Chamberlain, S., Ross, N., Salmon, M., & Butland, S. (2019). A Community of Practice Around Peer Review for Long-Term Research Software Sustainability. Computing in Science & Engineering, 21(2), 59–65. web pdf
  • Pearse, W., & Chamberlain, S.A. (2018). Suppdata: Downloading Supplementary Data from Published Manuscripts. Journal of Open Source Software, 3(25), 721. web pdf
  • Foster ZSL, Chamberlain S and Grünwald NJ. 2018. taxa: An R package implementing data standards and methods for taxonomic data [version 1; referees: awaiting peer review]. F1000Research, 7:272 web pdf
  • Chamberlain, S., C. Boettiger. 2017. R Python, and Ruby clients for GBIF species occurrence data. PeerJ Preprints. web pdf
  • Winslow, L. A., Chamberlain, S., Appling, A. P., & Read, J. S. (2016). sbtools: A package connecting R to cloud-based data for collaborative online research. The R Journal, 8(1), 387-398. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0127781 web pdf
  • Boettiger C, Chamberlain S, Vos R and Lapp H. 2016. RNeXML: A Package for Reading and Writing Richly Annotated Phylogenetic, Character, and Trait Data in R. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7, 352-357. (http://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.12469). web pdf
  • Boettiger, C., Chamberlain, S., Hart, E., & Ram, K. 2015. Building software, building community: lessons from the rOpenSci project. Journal of Open Research Software, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.5334/jors.bu pdf
  • Guo H, Chamberlain SA, Elhaik E, Jalli I, Lynes A-R, et al. 2015. Geographic Variation in Plant Community Structure of Salt Marshes: Species, Functional and Phylogenetic Perspectives. PLoS ONE, 10(5): e0127781. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0127781 web pdf
  • Mair, P, and S. Chamberlain. 2014. Web Technologies Task View. The R Journal, 6(1): 178-181. web pdf
  • Revell, L., S.A. Chamberlain. 2014. Rphylip: An R interface for PHYLIP. Methods in Ecology & Evolution web pdf
  • Chamberlain, S.A., et al. 2014. Traits and phylogenetic history contribute to network structure across Canadian plant-pollinator communities. Oecologia web
  • Chamberlain, S.A., et al. 2014. Phylogenetic tree shape and the structure of mutualistic networks. Journal of Ecology web pdf
  • Chamberlain, S.A., J.A. Rudgers, and J.L. Bronstein. 2014. How context-dependent are species interactions. Ecology Letters web pdf
  • Barraquand F, Ezard TH, Jørgensen PS, Zimmerman N, Chamberlain S et al. 2014. Lack of quantitative training among early-career ecologists: a survey of the problem and potential solutions. PeerJ 2:e285 web pdf xml
  • Vamosi, J.; Chamberlain, S.A., Garcha, N.; Moray, C.; Mooers, A. 2014. Pollinators visit related plant species across 29 plant-pollinator networks. Ecology & Evolution
  • Chamberlain S.A., Szöcs E. 2013. taxize: taxonomic search and retrieval in R [v2; ref status: indexed, http://f1000r.es/24v] F1000Research 2013, 2:191 (doi: 10.12688/f1000research.2-191.v2) pdf web
  • Chamberlain, S.A. 2013. Consuming Article-Level Metrics: Observations and Lessons from Comparing Aggregator Provider Data. Information Standards Quarterly. on github pdf web
  • Chamberlain, S.A., J.A. Rudgers, & K.D. Whitney. 2013. Proximity to agriculture alters abundance and community composition of wild sunflower mutualists and antagonists. Ecosphere. pdf
  • Chamberlain, S.A., S.M. Hovick,…et al…K.D. Whitney. 2012. Does phylogeny matter? Assessing the impact of phylogenetic information in ecological meta-analysis. Ecology Letters 15(6):627-636. pdf
  • Chamberlain, S.A., & J.A. Rudgers. 2012. How do plants balance multiple mutualists? Correlations among traits for attracting protective bodyguards and pollinators in cotton (Gossypium). Evolutionary Ecology 26:65-77. pdf
  • Holland, J.N., Chamberlain, S.A.and T.E.X. Miller. 2011. Consequences of ants and extrafloral nectar for a pollinating seed-consuming mutualism: ant satiation, floral distraction, or plant defense? Oikos. pdf
  • Chamberlain, S.A., J.K. Kilpatrick, & J.N. Holland. 2010. Do extrafloral nectar resources, abundances, and body sizes contribute to the structure of ant-plant mutualistic networks? Oecologia 164:741-750. pdf
  • Holland, J.N., Chamberlain, S.A.,& K.C. Horn. 2010. Temporal variation in extrafloral nectar secretion by reproductive tissues of the senita cactus, Pachycereus schottii (Cactaceae), in the Sonoran Desert of Mexico. Journal of Arid Environments 74(6):712-714. pdf
  • Chamberlain, S.A., & J.N. Holland. 2009. Quantitative synthesis of context-dependency in ant-plant protection mutualisms. Ecology 90(9):2384-2392. pdf
  • Holland, J.N., S.A.Chamberlain, A.M. Waguespack, and A.S. Kinyo. 2009. Effects of pollen load and donor diversity on variation in seed and fruit size in a columnar cactus, Pachycereus schottii (Cactaceae). International Journal of Plant Sciences 170:467-475. pdf
  • Chamberlain, S.A.& J.N. Holland. 2009. Body size predicts degree in ant-plant mutualistic networks. Functional Ecology 23:196-202. pdf
  • Holland, J.N., Chamberlain, S.A.,& K.C. Horn. 2009. Constitutive and induced extrafloral nectar production: optimal defense theory predicts plant resource investment in a protection mutualism. Journal of Ecology 97(1):89-96. pdf
  • Chamberlain, S.A. & J.N. Holland. 2008. Density-mediated and context-dependent consumer-resource interactions between ants and extrafloral nectar plants. Ecology 89(5):1364-1374. pdf
  • Chamberlain, S.A.& R.A. Schlising. 2008. Role of honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in the pollination biology of a California native plant, Triteleia laxa (Asparagales: Themidaceae). Environmental Entomology 37(3):808-816. pdf
  • Holland, J.N. &S.A. Chamberlain. 2007. Ecological and evolutionary mechanisms for low seed:ovule ratios: need for a pluralistic approach? Ecology 88(3):706-715. pdf
  • Schlising, R.A. &S.A. Chamberlain. 2006. Biology of the geophytic lily, Triteleia laxa (Themidaceae), in grasslands of the Northern Sacramento Valley. Madroño 53(4):321-341. pdf