CRAN checks API
API for software check results for the R package distribution network https://cran.rstudio.com/web/packages/
- source: sckott/cchecksapi
- base URL https://cranchecks.info/
Technologies used across projects
- Ruby Sinatra API framework
- Some use Docker, some do not
- MySQL or PostgreSQL or SQLite used as the DB
- Server is always Caddy
- Redis used for caching for some (other’s don’t have caching)
No longer maintained
Or I am no longer involved in maintaining.
Fishbase API
API for https://www.fishbase.de/
- source: ropensci/fishbaseapi
- base URL https://fishbase.ropensci.org
- mainted by Carl Boettiger
API for Botanical Information and Ecology Network data http://bien.nceas.ucsb.edu/bien/
- source: sckott/bienapi
- base URL https://bienapi.xyz/
Full Text DOI API
API for resolving DOIs to full text URLs (if available)
- source: ropenscilabs/pubpatternsapi
- base URL https://ftdoi.org/
USDA plants database API
API for http://plants.usda.gov/java/
- source: sckott/usdaplantsapi
- base URL https://plantsdb.xyz
rOpenSci API -
API for https://ropensci.org packages, citations, etc.
- source: ropensci/roapi
- base URL https://roapi.org
TraitsDB API - no longer maintained
API for traits data - very much a work in progress - would love your thoughts at https://github.com/sckott/traitdb/issues/1
- source: sckott/traitdb
- base URL https://traits.party/